Rob Wynne: IN COG NITO, 2011
Text by Alice Quinn
60 pages, Softcover
Published by Locks Art Publications
ISBN: 978-1-879173-78-1
The first glass text sculpture that Wynne created lies on a strip of sand; the transparent three-dimensional letters read INVISIBLE (1992). Recent poured-mirrored-glass letters spell out AFTER ALL, BE FOR LONG, FOR EVER, IN TU ITION, IN COG NITO… Wynne choreographs the glimmering letters on the wall, giving them a “theatrical form.” “I pick words or phrases from anywhere I find them –from existing poetry (from Charles Baudelaire to Gertrude Stein, and Wallace Stevens), from things that pop into my mind, snippets of conversation overheard, to obsessive rhythmic reference to words that resonate in my mind.” This fully illustrated catalog of the 2011 exhibition includes a conversation with Alice Quinn, director of the Poetry Society of America and former poetry editor of The New Yorker, that elucidates the back-stories, relationship to language, and processes of Wynne’s art.